Every woman has had that moment where shes looked in her wardrobe and felt she has nothing to wear! When this happens, the first instinct might be to grab the credit card and go shopping, but with a few genius tips and tricks, you can practically have a new wardrobe without spending a cent! If you want to see your clothes with fresh eyes, youll definitely enjoy todays interview with Jodie Filogomo!
In todays video, fashion blogger Jodie Filogomo joins Margaret Manning to talk about some different approaches you can take to breathing new life into your existing collection of clothes.
Change It Up!
Make the clothing work for you not the other way around! If some of your garments are too tight or loose, change it up a bit and repurpose their use. Margaret sees it as Having a different relationship with the individual pieces.
Its about changing it to something that is useful to you instead of gathering dust and regret at the back of your closet. For example, if you have a blouse that no longer fits, Jodie suggests you can use it as a light jacket instead, perhaps wear it with a singlet top or t-shirt underneath.
Layering For Fashion Over 50
It is so ingrained to use certain types of clothing for specific times of the year that we dont often think to throw out the rulebook. When it comes to fashion for older women, we have to remember there arent as many rules anymore for what is right and wrong for clothes.
Jodie suggests we all need to train our brains to looks at things very differently such as getting out of the mentality of a piece being just for summer or winter only. For example, experimenting with wearing a thinner jacket under or over other jackets can be an excellent way to get more usage out of clothes you already have in your wardrobe.
Either way, this experimentation will likely help you come up with new looks to help you look on the outside as young at heart as you feel on the inside!
Chop And Change
If you are looking for a more of an extreme change to your wardrobe that is budget-friendly, you might want to go and look for your scissors! Upcycling the art of reusing old items to create even better than the original is one of the hottest trends around.
When it comes to creating a new wardrobe for an older woman, cutting up and sewing different pieces together to essentially create new pieces might just be the project youve been looking for!
Double Duty
Many women can use the same piece in different ways its just another way of expressing a personal style. Finding ways to make an item of clothing work for more than one purpose can be a fun experiment every older woman should try out sometime.
As Margaret says, one of her favorite ways to do this is by putting a top or sweater over a dress, effectively treating the dress as a skirt. Another example is wearing a very short dress with a pair of leggings, essentially treating the dress as a shirt!
Mix It Up
Playing around with your wardrobe items gives you another way to be creative, and as Margaret says, Style really doesnt have an age. Just because you bought a dress to be worn in the evening for formal occasions, does not mean it can only be used for this purpose.
Something as simple as wearing a denim jacket with a long, tight dress can make it seem much more casual and more suitable for daytime wear. There are many ways you can dress clothes up or down the limit is really only in your imagination!
What are your go-to upscaling hacks for your wardrobe? Is there a particular type of clothing you love wearing for a different purpose? Have you upcycled clothing items before? Join in the conversation!