News — HowToMakeAClothespinAngel
Like me, are you the kind of person who can’t get enough of making DIY Christmas ornament crafts around this time of year but you’re also a total lover of upcycling
ClothespinAngel ClothespinCrafts Diys HowToMakeAClothespinAngel Kids

Well, I can certainly understand that, cause I’ll turn just about anything into an opportunity to repurpose some kind of regular household item into something pretty. My latest endeavour was to transform a regular clothespin into an adorable little angel to hand on my Christmas tree! Just in case you like the clothespin angel just as much as I did, here are full instructions and photos of the steps I took to make it happen. Scroll to the end of this post if you’d prefer to follow a video tutorial! For this project, you’ll need: A spun cotton ball Paint...