News — HowToFeelFancy
Have you ever wondered how you can live a fabulous lifestyle and still be on a tight budget? Well, I want to tell you that you absolutely can!
FabulousLifeOnABudget GreatLifeOnABudget HowToFeelFancy LiveRichOnLess LuxuryLifestyleHacks

I’ve managed to live on a tight budget for most of my adult life, but I’ve never felt deprived or less fortunate. Living on a budget is what has gotten us to this point in our lives. We retired early, have a paid for home and still live fabulously on a modest (retirement) income. I have to admit…there were some very lean years while our children were growing up. The funny thing is, I don’t think they ever really knew what the lean times were. Why, you ask? Because they never wanted too much for things, but at the...