News — Interviews
5 Secret Tips: How Budget Conscious Women Over 50 Can Effortlessly Upscale Their Wardrobe
FashionForWomenOver60 Interviews MakeupAndFashion

Every woman has had that moment where she’s looked in her wardrobe and felt she has nothing to wear! When this happens, the first instinct might be to grab the credit card and get shopping, but with a few genius tips and tricks, you can practically have a new wardrobe without spending a cent! Change It Up! Make the clothing work for you – not the other way around! If some of your garments are too tight or loose, change them up a bit and repurpose their use. Margaret sees it as “Having a different relationship with the individual pieces.”...
Thrive on the challenge | Energetiks Model Search Winner Kyra Dooley
Interviews Profiles ThingsWeLOVE

Kyra Dooley: Energetiks x Dance Informa’s newly re-crowned 2021 Ambassador & Model Search Winner This article, like many things last year, was temporarily sidelined by something that gravely impacted the dance world and the world in general in ways almost unimaginable pre-2020. Amongst the many other tragic effects that the COVID-19 pandemic had, it was with great reluctance that one of the Australian dance industry’s most cherished events, the Energetiks Victorian Dance Festival had to be postponed, and with it the chance for VDF attendees to meet last year’s wonderful VDF Ambassador and Energetiks Model Search Winner Kyra Dooley. If...
Haley Bennett
Actress HaleyBennett Interviews

Photography by Diego Uchitel HALEY BENNETT Though press has angled her as a “girl on the rise” for years, has proven herself as the screen siren she set out to become. Interview by Dustin Mansyur It takes a special kind of girl from the Midwest to brave the shark-infested waters of Hollywood and emerge, not only unscathed, but also with one’s truest character still intact. In a world quick to tell you everything that you are not, unapologetically beats her own drum to a tune that she is: grounded, earnest, and refreshingly honest. Her ability to play upon her vulnerabilities...
Color = Confidence? The Surprising Truth About Fashion Over 50 and Our Color Choices
FashionForWomenOver60 Interviews MakeupAndFashion

The colors of this season are… the ones that you choose for yourself! Learn how to invest in your favorite colors with the help of style blogger Susan Good. Enjoy the show! Margaret Manning: My guest today is Susan “Honey” Good. Susan is a mother, a wife and a grandmother to 25. She is also an author and has a fabulous website called I’m truly happy to have her on the show because Susan has dedicated her life to helping women over 50 find style and substance in their lives. I’m really happy to hear her expertise. Welcome, Susan....