News — Kids
TV Store Online Has Your Next Level Halloween Costume!
Halloween Holiday Home Kids Reviews

Have you ever wanted to play the part of your favorite TV or movie character? It can be a lot of fun imagining yourself in these crazy, silly, or even bizarre situations our favorite characters get into. Unfortunately, we won’t get the chance to be that person in real life (other than in our dreams), but I did find a way to feel like your dreams are a little bit more of a reality. Thanks to TV Store Online, you can find a TON of cool gear from your favorite shows, movies, and more! TV Store Online sent me these...
Like me, are you the kind of person who can’t get enough of making DIY Christmas ornament crafts around this time of year but you’re also a total lover of upcycling
ClothespinAngel ClothespinCrafts Diys HowToMakeAClothespinAngel Kids

Well, I can certainly understand that, cause I’ll turn just about anything into an opportunity to repurpose some kind of regular household item into something pretty. My latest endeavour was to transform a regular clothespin into an adorable little angel to hand on my Christmas tree! Just in case you like the clothespin angel just as much as I did, here are full instructions and photos of the steps I took to make it happen. Scroll to the end of this post if you’d prefer to follow a video tutorial! For this project, you’ll need: A spun cotton ball Paint...