News — Historical
Prancing About in a New Costume, with Friends, in the Rain
1860 Costume CostumeEvent Historical Victorian

At long last, after over a year, I got to attend a St. Louis Historical Sewing Society event last weekend! A group of about 10 of us donned costumes and masks to do a (socially distanced of course, other than for a quick group pic!) outdoor costumed parade for a local nursing home. It was great fun to dress up, see one another in person, and share our fun with the nursing home residents who haven't been able to see many people for the past year. For the two weeks leading up to the event I kept going back and...
The Fur Trimmed, Pink Silk, Edwardian Skirt
1900 Edwardian Historical Me Sewing

I was ready to cut into the pink silk lustring which started this whole Edwardian evening gown project. I'd made myself a S-bend corset. The hip padding was ready to go. My skirt pattern was drafted. The actual making of the gown could begin. Well, almost. A few minor pattern alterations still needed to happen before the scissors touched the pink silk. Evening dress ca. 1901 from the Munchner Stadtmuseum The longer I stared at the single photo I have of my inspiration gown, the more I became convinced that the skirt was just slightly gathered at the waistline. Thus, I...