News — MakeupAndFashion
5 Secret Tips: How Budget Conscious Women Over 50 Can Effortlessly Upscale Their Wardrobe
FashionForWomenOver60 Interviews MakeupAndFashion

Every woman has had that moment where she’s looked in her wardrobe and felt she has nothing to wear! When this happens, the first instinct might be to grab the credit card and get shopping, but with a few genius tips and tricks, you can practically have a new wardrobe without spending a cent! Change It Up! Make the clothing work for you – not the other way around! If some of your garments are too tight or loose, change them up a bit and repurpose their use. Margaret sees it as “Having a different relationship with the individual pieces.”...
Finding Fashion Deals After 60: When Is a Bargain Not a Bargain
FashionForWomenOver60 MakeupAndFashion

Unless you are hyper vigilant about your spending habits or living on a tight budget you’ve probably had the experience of buying something you didn’t expect to buy simply because you found it on sale. Now, there are many good reasons for doing so. If something happens to fit your wardrobe and your figure and is just what you have been looking for, you can just consider it a great coup. But too many times that “can’t live without,” or “not going to be there tomorrow” item remains unused and taking space in your closet. Within a year or so...
Color = Confidence? The Surprising Truth About Fashion Over 50 and Our Color Choices
FashionForWomenOver60 Interviews MakeupAndFashion

The colors of this season are… the ones that you choose for yourself! Learn how to invest in your favorite colors with the help of style blogger Susan Good. Enjoy the show! Margaret Manning: My guest today is Susan “Honey” Good. Susan is a mother, a wife and a grandmother to 25. She is also an author and has a fabulous website called I’m truly happy to have her on the show because Susan has dedicated her life to helping women over 50 find style and substance in their lives. I’m really happy to hear her expertise. Welcome, Susan....
Fall Fashion After 50: 4 Transitioning Clothing Ideas for Autumn
FashionForWomenOver60 MakeupAndFashion

It happens every year. The chill starts coming in more noticeably in the mornings and evenings, and we start thinking about the autumn season that is approaching. Depending on where you live and how you spend your day, it can be easy or challenging to figure out what to wear during this transition! Let’s review a couple of fun ways to make choosing an outfit during this temperature change work yet still look modern! Layering Layering has to be the most obvious choice for fall transition! Putting another piece over your tank top, lightweight shirt or other lightweight item creates...