Happy Homemaker Monday~ May 11, 2020

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Good Morning! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. It was a cold one here. We had a freeze warning Friday and Saturday night. I had to bring in my flower pots. I didn't want my flowers to shrivel up and die. I really wish it would stay warm! I'm so ready for shorts and sandals.

Saturday, we went out to get some food for the pets. We needed food for the cats, the dog, and the chickens. We're still waiting on baby chicks. So far none of the hens are broody yet. I think it's been too cold for them. While out, we checked a a fabric store for fabric to recover our living room furniture. No luck. We then headed to two furniture stores to see if we could find any furniture we liked at a good price...again no luck. We ended up coming home and ordering a few more samples of fabric. I really hope one of the samples we just ordered will be the one.

Before leaving town, we grabbed dinner at Chick Fil A. Therese wanted to eat there since she can get a chicken sandwich with a gluten free bun. They're the only fast food restaurant we can get a bun.

Sunday was Mother's Day. I hope all you beautiful mamas had a wonderful day. We spent the day at home. I finished up a book and then enjoyed a dinner of baked ziti that my beautiful daughter made.

O.K. enough about the weekend. Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday! Be sure to stop in and visit with Sandra. Her blog is beautiful and I know you'll enjoy visiting.

❀❀~The Weather~❀❀

Monday~ Partly Cloudy 53*
Tuesday~ Partly Cloudy 58*
Wednesday~ Mostly Sunny 65*
Thursday~ Partly Cloudy 72*
Friday~ Scattered Thunderstorms 81*
Saturday~ Scattered Thunderstorms 78*
Sunday~ Thunderstorms 77*

This week temps are definitely better. I just wish that we'd get one week without rain. I really want some warm temps and sunny skies.

❀❀~How I'm feeling this morning~❀❀

I'm feeling pretty good today. I have one errand of running to the post office to do today, but the rest of the day is going to be low key. My allergies seem to have died down a little bit. Of course, I've been taking my allergy medication daily so I'm sure that it what is helping. We don't have any local honey. I really need to get some more. It really does help taking a teaspoon a day. It amazes my how it helps with the allergy.

❀❀~ What's on my mind~❀❀

I'm feeling a little optimistic. Our state is supposed to start phase 1 of getting back to normal. We're still on a stay at home order until June 10th, but at least we can start to head out a little bit more. 58 days of quarantine is enough to drive anyone crazy!

❀❀~What they kids are up to~❀❀

The kids are in their last month of school. I think they are getting a little excited with school ending right around the corner. Therese has been working on a paint by number, Michael has been working on a car model. He's also been helping my dear hubby with repairing the porch. We have a lot of rotten wood that needs to be replaced. I'm excited to see how the porch will look when they are done.
They both are reading The Three Musketeers for school. We'll see how they like it.

❀❀~What's for breakfast~❀❀

Coffee..3 cups! Two farm fresh eggs, strawberries, and some grain free granola

❀❀~My current reading pile~❀❀

I have 3 books on my shelf that I'm reading for book reviews.

The Silent Daughter by Claire Amarti, Family Affairs by Pamela G. Hobbs,  and An Unexpected Turn by TJ Fox


❀❀~TV shows/movies I'm watching~❀❀

Therese and I are still watching Friends (up to season 5) and The Gilmore Girls (currently watching season 2).

❀❀~Music I'm listening to~❀❀

The kids and I signed up for the Amazon Music family plan. I've been listening to the new album from Kenny Chesney~ Here and Now. I've also been listening to quite a few songs from the 90's. Reminiscing about the past I guess.

❀❀~What I'm working on~❀❀

Lesson plans
Grapevine welcome wreath
Christmas tree skirt
Quilt for my bed
3 review for the homeschool crew review

❀❀~Looking around the house~❀❀

The floors need mopped, the blinds and ceiling fans need wiped down. I need to pick out a paint color for the living room. I'm waiting for the fabric samples to come in first. I think I'll go for a neutral that way I can accent with different colors.

❀❀~This weeks to do list~❀❀

Comforters and quilts need washed...I'm waiting for a nice sunny day so I can hang them outside
School room...I need to finish organizing. I cleaned out the desk now I just need to organize the shelves
Go through the books and sell the ones the kids are done with
Clean off the porch

❀❀~What's for dinner this week~❀❀

Monday~ Leftover Baked Ziti
Tuesday~ Asian Pork Chops, Rice, Veggies
Wednesday~ Honey Mustard Chicken, Roasted Potatoes, Green Beans
Thursday~ Spaghetti and Meatballs
Friday~Chicken Kabobs, Peppers, Onions, Pineapple, Rice
Sunday~Roast, Mashed Potatoes, Peas

❀❀~ From the camera~❀❀

We had a visitor on the road. He was just casually walking across the road. 
He's one of few bears we have here roaming the mountain.

❀❀~What I'm praying for~❀❀

Our country, my family and friends, and all those affected by this pandemic.

❀❀~Inspirational thought for the week~❀❀

Wishing you all a wonderful week. 
Stay healthy and happy!

Till Next Time,

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