Unbelievably, it’s October again. Not only does that mean it is time to start transitioning to Fall, buying knitted sweaters, and adding pumpkin spice seasoning to everything you eat, but it also means it is the beginning of spooky season. Halloween, one of the best holidays known to mankind, is right around the corner. And, what better way to be a hit at your next Halloween party than with epic “Game of Thrones” costumes?
As a kid, the best part of any Halloween was always the unlimited access to candy. As an adult ... same. But, the second-best part of Halloween was dressing up. When it comes to Halloween, there are a range of costume options — you can go the sexy woodland animal route (i.e kittens and bunnies), go for the traditional scary mask, or become a full-on character, my personal favorite.
The characters that color the world of “Game of Thrones” are some of the most epic to ever hit television screens. So, it only makes sense that your epic and amazing self should try a “Game of Thrones” costume this year.
HBO’s hit television show finished its final season earlier this year and racked up a whopping ten Emmy nominations last month, including another win for Outstanding Drama Series. This final accomplishment officially made the show one of the most awarded in television history. In other words, if you choose to dress up in a “Game of Thrones” costume, you’ll already be in winning company.
Although most fans praise the series for its shocking plot twists, epic battle scenes, heart-wrenching deaths, and sweeping romantic relationships, we should not forget another important facet of the popular television show — the extraordinary outfits. Michele Clapton has been the primary costume designer of “Game of Thrones” throughout the series’ eight-season run and in that time managed to rack up several Emmy, BAFTA, and Costume Designers Guild awards herself.
As we are right on the heels of all of this acclaim, it is only right that we revive the spirit of “Game of Thrones” this spooky season with some of the best “Game of Thrones” costumes. Be the talk of your town by bringing everyone’s favorite, mystifying, and mighty characters back to life.
Arya Stark Costume
I promise not to spoil anything, but hopefully, you have actually finished the final season of “Game of Thrones” by now. If not, I’ll just leave you with this. Arya Stark is the GOAT and there are no “ifs,” “ands,” or “buts” about it. The young, seemingly unassuming member of the Stark family ends up becoming one of the biggest heroes of the entire series. Just goes to show, you should never underestimate a young woman on a mission.
The actress that played Arya, 22-year-old Maisie Williams, has spoken publicly about how difficult it was to portray this character from such a young age and recently opened up to “Vogue” about the ways in which the role impacted her own body image. Like so many of us, Williams felt pressure to look a certain kind of way, she just had the added scrutiny of millions of viewers each week. It took some time, and some radical self-love, but eventually Williams learned how to validate herself from the inside out. In this way, Maisie is just as much of a hero as her beloved character.
Replicate Arya’s look with slicked-back hair (add in some dark brown, nonpermanent dye if needed), a leather corset, wool skirt, vintage-inspired dagger and your best pair of ass-kicking boots.
Brown Leather Corset, $20, Amazon
Grey Wool Skirt, $32, Amazon
Penny Riding Boot, $150, Amazon
Dagger, $21, Amazon
Daenerys Targaryen Costume
Of all the “Game of Thrones” costumes, this has to be one of the most popular choices. First of all, why wouldn’t you want to walk around telling everyone that you are the mother of dragons? Daenerys, or Khaleesi as she is also known, is inarguably one of the most badass characters, male or female, in the “Game of Thrones” universe. She is powerful, regal, and all of her outfits are iconic.
“Daenerys Targaryen easily being one of the strongest and empowering feminist icons within the show, ... [Daenerys]continues to grow into an independent woman afraid of no one, ”says Vanessa Rivera
Fortunately, as expensive as the real-life costumes worn by actress Emilia Clarke are, it is actually not that difficult to recreate the Daenerys look. Her long-white hair is an instant indicator. Paired with a white-flowy dress, Greecian-like sandals, and some silver accessories, no one will be able to question whether or not you can bring men - and dragons - to their knees.
Daenerys Targaryen Wig, $23, Amazon
White Maxi Dress, $22, Amazon
Missandei Costume
Missandei’s character has one of the greatest arcs of the entire GOT series. She literally goes from rags to riches, beginning as an enslaved person and ending up high in the ranks as one of Daenerys’ most trusted advisors. She becomes a part of a small circle with immediate access to the famed Mother of Dragons.
There has been understandable controversy around her character (Nathalie Emmanuel who plays the role is one of the few reoccurring nonwhite actors on the show) and the way women of color are represented in this world, but there is no denying the importance of having such a freethinking black woman in the mostly male-dominated world of “Game of Thrones.”
Missandei and her gorgeous wardrobe is super easy to emulate. Just be sure to let your natural curls flow and pair those curls with a long blue dress or matching crop top and skirt. To amp up the badassery, convince your best “Game of Thrones”- loving girlfriend to go as Daenerys and the two of you will be sure to take over any room. Double the “Game of Thrones” costumes, double the fun.
Maxi Dress, $26, Amazon
Faux Leather Waist Band Belt, $12, Amazon
Leaf “Children of the Forest” Costume
OK, this is hands down my favorite option when it comes to “Game of Thrones” costumes. Admittedly, it will probably be the most difficult to recreate, but undoubtedly it will also be the most rewarding.
Leaf is not a main character on the megawatt series, but that does not take away from how important she really is. She is a member of “Children of the Forest,” a nonhuman race responsible for creating the very first clan of supernatural White Walkers. And, if the name does not hint to it enough, White Walkers are evil ... very, very evil.
Since Leaf is not human, you have a lot of free reign when it comes to this costume. Grab a grey unitard, some body paint, faux moss, black lipstick and your favorite colorful eye-shadow palette to pull off this Children of the Forest costume.
Cotton Unitard, $25, Amazon
Liquid Face & Body Paint, $14, Amazon
Preserved Forest Moss, $8, Amazon
Manic Panic Black Lipstick, $12, Amazon
Cersei Lannister Costume
Cersei Lannister is another amazing character and costume option, especially considering how dramatically her look has changed throughout the show’s many seasons.
Walking into any room dressed as Cersei comes with a lot of power and a lot of responsibility. In fact, her whole name is Cersei of the House Lannister, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms.
Perhaps the easiest Cersei Lannister costume to pull of is that of her look during her walk of atonement. This is when Queen Cersei’s hair was cut short and she was paraded through the Red Keep nude to atone for her sins. But, just before Cersei was stripped, she donned a mid-sleeve burlap dress meant to strip her of her regal identity and force her into the shoes of a commoner.
Burlap Sack Dress, $48, Redbubble
Bob Party Wig, $18, Amazon
Sansa Stark Costume
Sansa Stark has been through ... a lot. She has been held hostage, orphaned, tortured and you can clearly see how hardened her character has become because of it. While she has always been strong, her true resilience, and even assertiveness, really comes to light in the final season.
Season 8 Sansa is the perfect Halloween costume for those of you that do not want to spend too much money. Pull your hair back into a few braids or a half-up, half-down ponytail and grab your favorite faux fur from the closet. Then, string your favorite large silver hoop earring over a long chain in order to create a mock version of Sansa’s signature necklace. Or, if cosplay is a hobby of yours, you can go for character accuracy and grab the full-blown costume.
Brown Wig With Braid, $20, Amazon
Sansa Stark Cosplay Costume, $229, Amazon
Drogon Costume
Okay, hear me out here. Dressing up as a dragon may not be on your radar when it comes to an easy Halloween look, but there are actually a few simple tips and tricks to help you replicate these giant-beloved beasts.
It is no secret that dragons are a huge part of “Game of Thrones.” Characters ride them, Khaleesi controls them, and if you ever doubted their significance, consider the fact that there are entirely fan-made compilations on YouTube dedicated to scenes that feature them. Trust me, I have spent too much time watching these Youtube videos.
If you are trying to channel your inner dragon this Halloween, start off with a grey leotard or catsuit. Accessorize with dark wings, stick on horns, and some scaly makeup or dragon mask. No fire needed.
Grey Unitard, $25, Amazon
Dragon Cosplay Mask, $13, Amazon
Dragon Wings, $22, Amazon
Dragon Tail, $35, Amazon
For added fun, pair up your dragon look with some friends dressed as Daenerys and Missandei and watch the three of you conquer any “Game of Thrones” costume competition that comes your way.
We all know that “Game of Thrones” fans are some of the most dedicated and passionate fans in the world. Even if you are not well-versed in all eight seasons of the show’s history, any one of these costumes will make you look like a true master of the Seven Kingdoms.
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