Which Is the Real You: Your Interiors or Your Clothing?

We often think of personal style as what you wear, with your home being a natural extension of that aesthetic. All it takes is one scroll through a VSCO-filtered bloggers feed to ascertain this: Their clothes and decor look like they were all sourced at the same shop. But what happens when youre undergoing a bit of an identity crisis?

Personal style is such a tricky thing to define because it often cant be boiled down to just one look. Although you might use vibrant sweaters and printed trousers to get energized for the day, you might rely on your home to help you wind down. For many people, the two simply serve different needs. If youve been having trouble reconciling one with the other, never fear. Were here to deliver some emotional salve in the form of three creatives who have mastered the art of living a double life.

Blair Eadie, blogger behind Atlantic-Pacific

Her fashion style: Quirky and colorful; of-the-moment and experimental. I am a maximalist who loves a lot of glam!

Her decor style: My home tends to be more subdued: clean lines, muted shades, mid-century pieces. While I still use a bit of color, I try and create a space thats more classic and less trend-driven; I like to invest in pieces I know I will love for years to come.

How she explains the gap: I believe that they serve two very different purposes, and I dont think that they necessarily need to intersect. My clothing is what I want to show the world, and is my opportunity to be creative, but my home is where I go just for myself, to escape and recharge. Its more permanent, and I want it to feel familiar. My outfits arent always (read: never) practical, but my house certainly is.

Which one she considers the real her: Her wardrobe. When I get dressed, Im always choosing a different character to playeach day is an opportunity to take a risk, try something new, and experiment with pieces I love. Its an extension of my mood.

Isadora Tang, founder of OTEM

woman in black outfit
Courtesy of Isadora Tang

Her fashion style: Its built around comfort: I tend to wear a lot of neutrals and black, and the same pieces of jewelry everyday.

Her decor style: My home is super bright and colorful, with lots of layered textures and patterns. Its filled with art and objects and plantsdefinitely the opposite of minimal.

How she explains the gap: I want more structure or polish in my dress than in my home. With my home, Im more willing to play with colors and patterns, and jumble them all together in one space without worrying about it being too much.

Which one she considers the real her: Her home. Im a natural maximalist, but I admire minimalism, so I tend to express both ends of the spectrum. I think the difference is that my home is almost like a dynamic artistic creation for me; lm creating this larger story. Versus my clothes, which are more about functionality.

Laura Jackson, TV broadcaster and founder of Hoste

Her fashion style: I feel like Im a walking contradiction: A frilly blouse under dungarees, or a floaty skirt with hiking boots. I love whimsical and dreamy looks, but could also controversially be seen in a tracksuit on the weekend.

Her decor style: It has layers of life, travels, and collections, all in one placethe living room walls are patterned with a 45-year-old wallpaper that was there when we moved in, the fireplace is full of trinkets, and the sofa is covered in blankets collected from my trips. It feels messy and lived in, and its constantly evolving. Its growing with us.

How she explains the gap: A home is built on layers; its not something you can just buy from one shop. It takes years to build one, whereas I can get dressed in a matter of minutes!

Which one she considers the real her: It depends on the circumstance. Ive just renovated my kitchen, and when my sister walked in to see it for the first time, she said, This doesnt feel very you!so maybe my kitchen doesnt represent my personal style, I dont know! I tend to go with my gut. Over-thinking anything is draining.

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